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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - dive


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Перевод с английского языка dive на русский

1) погружение

погружаться 2) пикирование

пикировать to pull out from dive — выводить из пикирования - brake dive - shallow dive - spiral dive

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См. в других словарях

  авиац. пикирование пикировать to go into dive — входить в пикирование to pull out of dive — выводить из пикирования - steep dive - vertical dive ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  погружение; ныряние; пикирование; погружаться; нырять; пикировать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. прыжок в воду (обыкн. головой); нырок compulsory dives —- обязательные прыжки в воду highboard dives —- прыжки с вышки surface (duck) dive —- проныривание running dive —- прыжок с разбега to take a (running) dive —- прыгнуть в воду (с разбега), нырнуть (с разбега) to take a dive into the midst of things —- образ. окунуться в гущу событий 2. внезапное движение; прыжок; рывок, бросок to make a dive into a shop —- нырнуть в лавку, заскочить в магазин to make a dive for shelter —- броситься в укрытие he made a dive into his pocket —- его рука скользнула в карман 3. мор. погружение (подводной лодки) 4. ав. пикирование (также vertical dive, nose dive) dive angle —- угол пикирования to pull the plane out of a dive —- вывести самолет из пике 5. разг. винный погребок; пивнушка; "забегаловка"; притон 6. дешевый ресторанчик, закусочная (в подвальном помещении) oyster dive —- устричный ресторанчик 7. подземный тоннель (для транспорта) 8. прыгать в воду; нырять to dive for pearls —- нырять за жемчугом 9. бросаться, прыгать вниз 10. мор. погружаться (о подводной лодке) 11. ав. пикировать to dive down on the enemy —- спикировать на врага (на войска противника) 12. исчезать, скрываться из виду; броситься, шмыгнуть to dive into the bushes —- юркнуть в кусты to dive down an alley —- исчезнуть в глубине аллеи to dive for shelter —- броситься в...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) ныряние, прыжок в воду  2) прыжок (вниз)  3) погружение (подводной лодки)  4) aeron. пикирование  5) внезапное исчезновение  6) coll. дешевый ресторан, подвальчик  7) amer. винный погребок; кабачок; притон  2. v.  1) нырять; бросаться в воду  2) бросаться вниз  3) погружаться (о подводной лодке)  4) aeron. пикировать  5) углубляться (в лес, работу и т.п.)  6) внезапно скрыться из виду, шмыгнуть to dive into the bushes - юркнуть в кусты  7) сунуть руку (в воду, в карман) - dive in - dive into DIVE in  а) нырять The waters quite deep enough to dive in.  б) coll. активно начинать какую-л. деятельность Dinners ready, dive in, everybody! When the argument started I wanted to dive in. DIVE into  а) нырять The waters quite deep enough to dive into. He dived into cleanly, entering the water in a straight line.  б) coll. активно начинать какую-л. деятельность He sat down and at once dived into a pile of potatoes. Jim dived into the argument as usual without thinking.  в) coll. проникать, входить неожиданно I was following the man when he dived into a small restaurant and I lost track of him.  г) сунуть руку куда-л. Diving into her bag, she found a handkerchief just in time. He dived his hand into his pocket in an attempt to find the key. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  v. & n. --v. (dived or US dove) 1 intr. plunge head first into water, esp. as a sport. 2 intr. a Aeron. (of an aircraft) plunge steeply downwards at speed. b Naut. (of a submarine) submerge. c (of a person) plunge downwards. 3 intr. (foll. by into) colloq. a put one's hand into (a pocket, handbag, vessel, etc.) quickly and deeply. b occupy oneself suddenly and enthusiastically with (a subject, meal, etc.). 4 tr. (foll. by into) plunge (a hand etc.) into. --n. 1 an act of diving; a plunge. 2 a the submerging of a submarine. b the steep descent of an aircraft. 3 a sudden darting movement. 4 colloq. a disreputable nightclub etc.; a drinking-den (found themselves in a low dive). 5 Boxing sl. a pretended knockout (took a dive in the second round). Phrases and idioms dive-bomb bomb (a target) while diving in an aircraft. dive-bomber an aircraft designed to dive-bomb. dive in colloq. help oneself (to food). diving-bell an open-bottomed box or bell, supplied with air, in which a person can descend into deep water. diving-board an elevated board used for diving from. diving-suit a watertight suit usu. with a helmet and an air-supply, worn for working under water. Etymology: OE dufan (v.intr.) dive, sink, and dyfan (v.tr.) immerse, f. Gmc: rel. to DEEP, DIP ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~d or dove; ~d; also dove; diving)  Etymology: Middle English ~n, duven, from Old English dy?fan to dip & dufan to ~; akin to Old English dyppan to dip — more at dip  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to plunge into water intentionally and especially headfirst; also to execute a ~  b. submerge the submarine ~d  2.  a. to come or drop down precipitously ; plunge the temperature is diving  b. to plunge one's hand into something  c. of an airplane to descend in a ~  3.  a. to plunge into some matter or activity she dove into her studies  b. to plunge or dash for some place diving for cover; also to lunge especially in order to seize something dove for the ball  transitive verb  1. to thrust into something  2. to cause to ~ ~ a submarine Usage:  Dive, which was originally a weak verb, developed a past tense dove, probably by analogy with verbs like drive, drove. Dove exists in some British dialects and has become the standard past tense especially in speech in some parts of Canada. In the United States ~d and dove are both widespread in speech as past tense and past participle, with dove less common than ~d in the south Midland area, and ~d less common than dove in the Northern and north Midland areas. In writing, the past tense ~d is usual in British English and somewhat more common in American English. Dove seems relatively rare as a past participle in writing.  II. noun  Date: 1700  1. the act or an instance of diving: as  a.  (1) a plunge into water executed in a prescribed manner  (2) a submerging of a submarine  (3) a steep descent of an airplane at greater than the maximum horizontal speed  b. a sharp decline  2. a shabby and disreputable establishment (as a bar or nightclub)  3. a faked knockout — usually used in the phrase take a ~  4. an offensive play in football in which the ballcarrier plunges into the line for short yardage ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (dives, diving, dived) 1. If you dive into some water, you jump in head-first with your arms held straight above your head. He tried to escape by diving into a river... She was standing by a pool, about to dive in... Joanne had just learnt to dive. VERB: V into n, V in, V • Dive is also a noun. Pat had earlier made a dive of 80 feet from the Chasm Bridge. N-COUNT 2. If you dive, you go under the surface of the sea or a lake, using special breathing equipment. Bezanik is diving to collect marine organisms. VERB: V • Dive is also a noun. This sighting occurred during my dive to a sunken wreck off Sardinia. N-COUNT 3. When birds and animals dive, they go quickly downwards, head-first, through the air or through water. ...a pelican which had just dived for a fish... VERB: V 4. If an aeroplane dives, it flies or drops down quickly and suddenly. He was killed when his monoplane stalled and dived into the ground. VERB: V prep/adv, also V • Dive is also a noun. Witnesses said the plane failed to pull out of a dive and smashed down in a field. N-COUNT 5. If you dive in a particular direction or into a particular place, you jump or move there quickly. They dived into a taxi... = leap VERB: V prep/adv • Dive is also a noun. He made a sudden dive for Uncle Jim’s legs to try to trip him up. N-COUNT 6. If you dive into a bag or container, you put your hands into it quickly in order to get something out. She dived into her bag and brought out a folded piece of paper. VERB: V into n 7. If shares, profits, or figures dive, their value falls suddenly and by a large amount. (JOURNALISM) If we cut interest rates, the pound would dive... Profits have dived from ?7.7m to ?7.1m... The shares dived 22p to 338p. VERB: V, V from/to/by amount, V amount • Dive is also a noun. Stock prices took a dive. N-COUNT 8. If you describe a bar or club as a dive, you mean it is dirty and dark, and not very respectable. (INFORMAL) N-COUNT c...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense dived also dove AmE 1 »JUMP INTO WATER« to jump into water with your head and arms first + into/off etc  (Sally dived expertly into the pool. | Diving off the cliffs is very dangerous.) 2 »GO DEEPER« to go deeper under water  (The submarine began to dive.) 3 »SWIM UNDER WATER« to swim under water using special breathing equipment  (frogmen diving for sunken treasure) 4 »BIRD/AIRCRAFT« if a bird or an aircraft dives, it goes down through the air very quickly and steeply, head first 5 »JUMP FORWARDS« always + adv/prep to jump forwards or to one side in order to catch something or to avoid something + after/towards/aside etc  (Jackson dived after the ball.) 6 »INTO BUILDING/CROWD« to quickly go into a building or a crowd of people + into  (We dived into a coffee shop to avoid the rain.) 7 dive into your bag/pockets etc to put your hand into your bag, pockets etc so that you can get something out dive in phr v 1 to start doing something eagerly and energetically  (Harvey dived in with several questions.) 2 dive in! spoken used to invite people to start eating a meal ~2 n 1 a jump into the water with your head and arms first 2 make a dive for to move quickly and suddenly towards something 3 informal a place such as a bar or club that is cheap and dirty  (I've heard the new club's a bit of a dive.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  gen. comp. abbr. Direct Interface Video Extension NASDAQ abbr. Ceanic Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - emerged 13c. from O.E. dufan "to dive, duck, sink" (intransitive, class II strong verb; past tense deaf, pp. dofen) and dyfan "to dip, submerge" (weak, transitive), from P.Gmc. *dubijanan. Past tense dove is a later formation, perhaps on analogy of drive/drove. Sense of "disreputable bar" is first recorded Amer.Eng. 1871, perhaps because they were usually in basements, and going into one was analogous to "diving." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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